After the hottest day of the year Thursday evening was forecast to be clear all night and it didn’t disappoint. As I had to work on Friday I set the telescope up, left it imaging and went to bed. Got up at 1:30 for a meridian flip and returned to bed, rising at 4 to the sound of the guider alarm. It had lost the guide star in the glare of pre-dawn. All in all, 4 hours worth of 10 minute exposures were gathered.
After processing in Pixinsight, here is the result.
The field of view is about 3 degrees wide and is an uncropped frame from the Zenithstar 70 with WO focal reducer/flattener.
The Veil is the remains of a supernova star explosion some 5000 years ago. At it’s distance of 1500 light years it now spans 70 light years and it’s still expanding.