While at La Palma last year one of the things I did was to leave the camera taking pictures of the Milky Way for most of the night. Dan eventually shut it down at about 4am after I’d headed down the mountain to bed. Total count was 575 30 second images at ISO 800.
Once home I encountered some problems with automating the processing and the project got shelved until last weekend when I sat down and worked out how to script Maxim DL in order to stretch and convert the images. Onve in jpeg format I loaded one into Photoshop and worked out a processing sequence to remove as much of the noise as possible whilst stretching the image to bring out the faint detail. This sequence was saved as an action and then replayed on all the images in batch mode.
Finally, the images were loaded into Photoshop and exported as a video file (20MB, Quicktime required).
One reply on “La Palma video”
That’s really smooth! The noise on each of the images seems to average out when you’re watching it. In a similar way, the hot pixels seem to distinguish themselves.