The autumn event at Kelling Heath has come and gone for another year. Friday evening was cloudy meaning I could catch up on some sleep. Saturday was partly cloudy, clearing for an hour and then it clouded over completely until early on the Sunday. I’d booked an extra night for the Sunday and this turned out to be the best night with clear skies from dusk until dawn.
As soon as it was dark enough I started taking pictures of Sh2-155 in Cepheus again as I want to complete the right hand side of the Cepheus mosaic. Once Orion was high enough I started a mosaic of the Witches Head and left CCD Commander taking images until dawn while I caught up on some more sleep.
When processing, I decided to try something different and followed a workflow tutorial on the Pixinsight website for dynamic range compression. This uses HDRMultiscale as usual but replaces the stars with ones generated using the masked stretch script.
The initial result is here. Next step will be to add in the remaining data from Saturday evening and then combine the frames into the Cepheus mosaic.