Deep Sky Nebula Open Cluster

Cepheus wide field

The original intention with this picture was to take 5 hours of sub frames of the Cave nebula (Caldwell 9), aka Sh2-155 in Cepheus. However, a problem with the focusser meant that after the first 90 minutes the remaining images were offset in RA. Fortunately, there was enough overlap to enable me to join the images in a wide field mosaic. The bright cluster bottom left is M52.

There’s some residual light pollution down the centre of the image. This is very hard to deal with in mosaics. Also, there’s a lot more noise in the right hand side due to the relative lack of exposures.


Deep Sky Nebula

The North American nebula

Last night was forecast clear from dusk until dawn and I had a camera to test. A replacement fan arrived on Friday and was fitted on Saturday. Camera body vibration was eliminated.

Some short test exposures on the mount confirmed that the trailing was gone so while I was waiting for the moon to set I took some 10 minute exposures of NGC 7000.


Deep Sky Open Cluster

Haw Wood Farm star party

Breckland’s Haw Wood Farm star party has been and gone but what a weekend is was with very good conditions all week. I attended on the Friday and Saturday nights. Friday was clear until about 3:30am, Saturday, 2am.

On Friday evening I finished the evening at about 1am by setting up a sequence in CCD Commander (which I’m trialling at the moment) of 3 minute images of M45 and went to bed. Waking at 3am, I packed up the gear as it had clouded over and rain was forecast.

In all, I collected 45 exposures. Trailing continued to be a problem throughout the weekend but I have a theory that it’s due to some slight vibration from the camera fan. My thanks to John Hipperson for putting the idea in my head.


Deep Sky Nebula

The Veil supernova remnant

After the hottest day of the year Thursday evening was forecast to be clear all night and it didn’t disappoint. As I had to work on Friday I set the telescope up, left it imaging and went to bed. Got up at 1:30 for a meridian flip and returned to bed, rising at 4 to the sound of the guider alarm. It had lost the guide star in the glare of pre-dawn. All in all, 4 hours worth of 10 minute exposures were gathered.

After processing in Pixinsight, here is the result.

VeilThe field of view is about 3 degrees wide and is an uncropped frame from the Zenithstar 70 with WO focal reducer/flattener.

The Veil is the remains of a supernova star explosion some 5000 years ago. At it’s distance of 1500 light years it now spans 70 light years and it’s still expanding.

Deep Sky Nebula

The Crescent Nebula

By the time I’d captured a few images of M39 it was dark enough to try NGC6888, The Crescent Nebula, also in Cygnus. With a darker sky background I opted for 10 minute exposures and started at about midnight. 9 images, plus 25 flat frames later I called it a night.

Processing is entirely in PixInsight; after 6 months with this program I’m starting to get more comfortable with it, still lots to learn though and a course with Ian King later this month should hopefully help.


This picture overlaps in one corner with my earlier image  of Sadr. I shall have to try stitching them together as a mosaic.

Deep Sky Nebula Open Cluster


While waiting for it to get dark last night (there is no astronomical twilight in the UK at this time of year) I took about thirty 30 second images of M39 in Cygnus. The sky background was still very light but during processing a planetary nebula appeared nearby. As I’ve mentioned before, my favourite tool for identifying this sort of object is Aladin and this showed it to be Minkowski 1-79 (1946).

Also in the field is the rather faint open cluster Platais 1. One of it’s member stars is the Cepheid variable V1726 Cyg with a period of 4.2 days and diminutive brightness range of 8.87 to 9.06.

There are two readily identified double stars in M39; h1657 with a separation of 21.6″ and A770, rather closer at 7″.


North is up.

Deep Sky Nebula

Gamma Cygnus


This is an area I’ve imaged before using the Canon 350D, Zenithstar 70 and Astrotrac but this time it’s with the QHY9 mounted on the Avalon. Last night was clear after dark and after spending some time fine tuning the guiding I set the camera recording 10 minute frames and retired to the warmth and comfort of the sofa. Emerging at 1:30 it was just starting to cloud over so I terminated the sequence and took 20 flat frames using my light panel.
A dynamic Background Extraction routine in PixInsight removed most of the unsightly light pollution on the left of earlier versions of this image. I’ve also made the image a lot lighter to show more of the faint nebulosity and removed the star spikes.
Despite the stiff breeze, the guiding worked extremely well with Maxim reporting star roundness figures of around 0.05 which is better than I’ve seen using any equipment previously.

Comet Deep Sky Galaxy Solar System

Cosmic encounter

Comet Panstarrs has not put on the display that was hoped for earlier in the year but it has given a photo opportunity as it makes a close pass of the Andromeda galaxy on it’s way out of the Solar System. There’s no risk of collision here, the comet is in our Solar System and the galaxy is 2.5 million light years away.


The images were acquired using a Canon 350D with a 75-300mm zoom lens at f/4.5. Eleven 2 minute exposures were stacked in Maxim, had the light pollution gradients removed in PixInsight and final processing carried out in Photoshop.

Deep Sky Nebula Open Cluster

Christmas Tree cluster (NGC 2264)

After imaging comet Ison I moved on to a small galaxy in Gemini (picture to follow) and NGC 2264 in Monoceros. The 20″ seemed to be behaving itself, and, with a nice bright star in the cluster, guiding was straight forward. 20 thirty second exposures were acquired and most were good enough to stack. Stacking was performed in Maxim and the resultant floating point fits file was transferred into PixInsight for further processing.

NGC2264This image would benefit from longer exposures as the nebula is pretty faint. However, it’s one of the better 20″ pictures that I’ve produced.

Deep Sky Nebula


We’ve had a few clear intervals over the past couple of weeks and I took some pictures of Orion with my Sigma 10-20mm f/3.5 lens during one of them. I managed an hours worth of 10 minute frames and rejected one for an airplane in the image. After stacking, a simple stretch showed the light pollution that’s in my southern sky from the local town. Limiting magnitude was about 4.8.


Both automatic and dynamic background removal tools were run in Pixinsight. Despite this, some glow remains in the bottom left corner where the gradient was most severe. A star reduction procedure reduced the intensity of the field stars and then the large scale structures were isolated and increased in saturation and lightness to emphasize Barnard’s Loop.
